Leverage Revenue BI’s dashboards and easily create financial reports for your stakeholders. Share critical business insights across the organization, or with your clients and partners.
Identify market share and how different DSPs stack up to each other. Find the highest revenue per stream for each market and generate more ROI for your artist.
Import revenue and expenses to see real-time P&Ls for artists, albums and specific catalog assets. Easily access your financial data, on-demand.
Assess future cash flows for a specific asset on a daily basis. with month-to-month growth trends, Forecast decay rates and monthly growth rates to accelerate artist funding and ROI.
Dive into the value of your catalog in real time. Make better business decisions about your catalog based on structured financial data.
Seamlessly integrate your first party data feeds in one place
Empower your team with large-scale analytics to drive decisions
Assess profitability daily and monthly across your catalog
Leverage PowerBI's AI and machine learning models
Maintain complete freedom to export all the data in Revenue BI
Share business critical insights across the organization
your financial strategy with Revenue BI